An improvement roadmap is a map that displays project-related information. There are different types of roadmaps for different projects, such as: product management, marketing, customer experience, and continuous improvement.
An improvement roadmap helps us to understand where we are now, and where we want to go. The final destination should be clear and attainable. Improvement roadmaps are often used to support a company’s strategic planning in a comprehensive and integrated manner. They can also be used in change management and organizational development projects.
Improvement roadmaps should be simple to create and easy to follow. An improvement roadmap in its simplest format contains the following four sections:
Improvement categories – the dimensions in which you want to set your improvement goals, such as the leadership style or the voice of the customer.
Current conditions – indicates the starting point of the journey for each category. You should understand the current condition in order to improve.
Milestones and targets – what you need to do in each improvement category and when. Here you will plan the milestones and their sequence in order to reach the destination fast and easily.
Performance metrics – allows to monitor performance and assess progress against baseline plans. Performance metrics should be established and reviewed on a regular basis.
The final milestone in each improvement category is the final destination or the big goal you want to achieve. It represents the end of your journey and the achievement of the improvement goal. Also note that each milestone or intermediate target can be considered a project or sub-project for which you have to create an action plan.
After setting your goals and creating the improvement roadmap, an action plan per improvement category or per project should be created. Action plans help in breaking down big goals into smaller and workable activities, detailing what needs to be done. Action plans should outline all activities, their sequence, and their time frames. They may also outline other information such as: responsibilities, issues, obstacles, and where to focus efforts for greater impact.
How to Construct an Improvement Roadmap:
With your team, present the topic and define the purpose of the improvement roadmap.
Establish the categories in which you want to set your improvement goals.
For each improvement category, analyze the current situation and where you want to be in the next two or three months, or the period of time agreed upon by the team.
Set improvement targets and milestones for each improvement category.
Establish performance metrics for each improvement category.
Initiate improvement projects and action plans to help you achieve your improvement goals.
Implement the improvement projects and action plans and apply ongoing measurement.
Change the routes as needed throughout your journey, keeping the final destination in mind.
Example of an improvement roadmap that was created to
optimize throughput and efficiency in the workplace.